What We Will Give Each Other
Poems by Sidney Hall Jr.
The poems of What We Will Give Each Other use clear, logical language, and a classical artistry to explore profound ideas and emotions. In this they validate a remark made by Valéry: "There is nothing so mysterious as clarity."
David Baker says, "Guided sometimes by an Oriental compression and serenity, sometimes by a Classical irony and learnedness, and nearly always by the practicality and patience of New England ruralism, the poems of What We Will Give Each Other accrue into a book of surprising depth, variety, and passion."
This limited edition original paperback, beautifully designed and printed on fine papers is an example of the kind of book a small publisher can do best. It is a pleasure to hold, and also makes a perfect gift.
"These poems are disciplined, clear-eyed and clear-headed like their Greek, Latin and Chinese forebears. Sidney Hall achieves a kind of sophisticated simplicity that is rare among his contemporaries. Call him a neoclassicist seasoned by the spirits of Zen and Taoism-his poems are revelations, beautiful and true."
—Sam Hamill"Enjoyable, sharp-minded, genial, and nimble...."
—Fred Chappell"My favorite poems are 'Spring, Sestius!' and 'Uncle Elwood'. It's pleasing to see a balance between classical allusion and typical Yankee skepticism."
—Maxine Kumin" 'The Poet's Tea' describes Hall's unique blend of Frost and Catullus, Yankee simplicity and Mediterranean sensibility...These are poems of quiet dignity and classical simplicity, balancing precise observation with a vital response to nature."
—Paul Lizotte, Nashua (NH)Telegraph"I particularly enjoyed the translations of poems of Catullus and Horace and bits of Aeschylus and Sophocles. [They] catch the spirit of them so well."
—Nicholas Hammond, Editor Oxford Classical Dictionary"Classically modest, but in no sense small, these poems show us what it is to live in an actual world of rocks and stones and trees, and they teach us what a single life can mean-that a single life can mean."
—Joseph Duemer

About the Author
Sidney Hall, Jr. was born in 1951 and has lived most of his life in southern New Hampshire. He is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Reed College, where he studied Greek and Latin Classics. He has been a publisher, editor, columnist, Latin teacher and active conservationist. He has visited and taught creative writing classes in elementary schools, high schools and colleges.
He is the author of two book of poems, What We Will Give Each Other, and Chebeague, and a collection of his newspaper columns, Small Town Tales. His poetry has appeared in numerous literary journals and his book reviews and poetry have appeared in the Los Angeles Times Book Review.