Our Newsletter
Our monthly newsletter has infomative articles about new books, author events, writing and publishing topics, and much more. Learn about our authors in YouTube interviews. And every issue, of course, has the latest on Holly. View this month's newsletter.

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January - Happy New Year; Ask the Authors
February - Sail around the world in a Sunday afternoon!
March - Short stories and small-town journalism
May - At LaBelle Winery: Techniques for Teaching and Parenting
June - Rodger Martin's Battlefield Guide
January - More reasons to read
February - Wine, poetry, hiking, and an interview with NH Poet Laureate Alice B. Fogel
March - Sip wine with our authors!
April - The joy of books
May - Lend us your ears—listen to our authors anytime on our new audio webpage!
June - The François Vase; turning a manuscript into a book
July - Summer reads
August - You're invited!
September - Poetry in the Park and at The Fells
October - Boston Book Festival, Field Guide A Tempo
November - Manuscript to Book, English to Greek
December - 2014 Holiday Shopping Guide
December - Happy Holidays! Check out our NEW e-catalog
November - Ben Franklin comes back to our time!
October - The literary conversation, "look inside" feature
September - Poetry in the Park
August - Working at the Word Factory, the pleasure of reading
July - Upcoming events, summer is here!
June - Becoming peaceable, buying locally, and dog-eared books
May - Vases, e-books, and interns
April - Author interview, query letter tips, upcoming events
March - New release, author interviews, upcoming events