Poems by Juli Nunlist
'Slender' is a word sometimes used to compliment a woman’s figure; but we never use the word to compliment a woman’s poems. Yet it is the right word for Juli Nunlist’s elegant and moving poems: for they are slender the way a Renaissance dagger is, or the high, perfect notes of a countertenor’s voice. Such beauty of illumined slenderness can come only at the end of a long, complicated, and almost always dark apprenticeship in the art; indeed, it is always a hard-won beauty. Gratitude is the truest response to Juli Nunlist’s poems.
- Don Sheehan, Director (retired), The Frost Place

About the Author
Born in 1916,
has been an accomplished musician, composer and poet. She has composed chamber music and a one-act opera, as well as orchestral and choral pieces, and her poetry has been published in many fine journals. With the help of Patricia Fargnoli and Susan Roney-O’Brien as editors, she has put together this remarkable collection of her best poems.