Totally Useless Office Skills
by Rick Davis
The most important book you will ever read. . .
. . .is probably not this one, but Totally Useless Office Skills is, without a doubt, the oddest training manual you'll ever see. Prepare yourself for a life-altering experience, as Rick Davis, founder of the famed Institute of Totally Useless Skills, shows you how to relieve occupational stress with:
"I am deeply impressed to find someone with even more spare time than I have."
-Dave Barry
"Promises to enliven Dilbert-style office drudgery and kill all chances of promotion."
-Boston Herald
"Yes, America needs this book."
-Concord Sunday Monitor
Credit Card Buzzing
Death Defying Letter Opener Swallowing
Hole in Your Boss's Head
The Endless Fax
The Disappearing Pencil
Instant Printed Business Card
The Invisible Elevator
and over 65 other ways to goof off in the office place.

About the Author
, founder of the Institute of Totally Useless Skills, is a former Ringling Brothers Circus clown who has performed at DisneyWorld, on Broadway, on HBO, and at fine laundromats everywhere. He travels nationwide as a corporate comic, holds a degree in philosophy (his first useless skill) and lives in New Hampshire with his wife and children who tolerate his compulsive, expulsive, and repulsive singing.