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WinterPoemsPatricia FargnoliVolume VI. Patricia Fargnoli weaves together themes of solitude, silence, and rebirth through vivid images of winter and the outdoors. Her poems gently navigate the empty spacesin nature—ditches, vacant bird houses, dens—and they explore the restful pace of “the slowed down season / held fast by darkness.” Every new variation on the winter theme shows that season in a new light, and the reader is ultimately uplifted by Fargnoli’s vision.isbn 978-1-939449-01-6Paperback, 88 pages $18.00Falling AshesHaibun, Haiku, Senryu, & Other PoemsJames FowlerVolume VII. James Fowler explores nature and war in Japanese poetic forms.“James Fowler’s fine collection of haiku, haibun, and other poems is dominated by a stark sense engendered by experience in war, work abroad, his wife, and nature. One cannot but be moved by his evocation of war and love and the rest.” —Bruce Ross, Editor, Haiku Momentisbn 978-1-939449-02-3 Paperback, 64 pages $16.00HOBBLEBUSH GRANITETalismansPoemsMaudelle DriskellVolume VIII. “Maudelle Driskell calls these poems ‘talismans,’ and talismans they are. Alternately sleek for the long flight or overflowing with the abundant images of a bleak but fecund world, the poems read as if every word hasbeen considered, weighed, and found worthy. Such care to create such beauty. From chemotherapies to Elvis’s wart impaled upon a stickpin, to Herman Melville’s superfluous obituary, these fine poems all ring true.”—Leon Stokesburyisbn 978-1-939449-03-0 Paperback, 72 pages $16.006 • WWW.HOBBLEBUSH.COM [email protected]